vendredi 19 août 2011

أقوى برنامج لتسريع بدء عمل الجهاز :: مجربة :: Startup Delayer 3.0.315

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله ،،


يطيب لي أن أقدم لكم هذه الأداة الرهيــــــــــــــــبة بأتم معنى الكلمة

Startup Delayer 3.0.315

فهي تكشف لك البرامج التي تبدء عملها مع انطلاق بدء الجهاز ، وبالتالي يمكنك تنظيمها وفصلها

فمثلا اذا كان جهازك ينطلق بالعمل ويوافقه برنامج محادثة وساعة سطح مكتب ، تستطيع جعل فارق 5 ثواني بين كل برنامج


دون أن ننسى المميزات الأخرى للبرنامج

Startup Delayer helps users avoid a slow system start by giving them control over programs that automatically load when Windows boots up.
This program provides a simple interface to work with. The screen is dominated by the list of programs your computer opens when starting Windows. Above this list is a short row of icons that allow you to add and remove programs and organize the time they are opened.
Adding a program is as simple as locating it in the file tree and then assigning it a specific time to open after Windows has begun. From there it is listed, along with the others, on the main screen. One interesting addition is spacing all program load times out evenly. This takes a lot of work from the user by simply timing every program to automatically open at staggered intervals.
Startup Delayer has isolated a problem that many computer users suffer from and provides an efficient, simple way to solve it. It's suitable for any user who wants more control over start-up programs.


رابــــــــــــط الــــــــــــــــــتحميـــــــــــــــل


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